Advance your Knowledge

Courses to Boost
Your Feng Shui Skills

lesson series

Just the Basics

With a little practice and knowledge, you can get the Feng Shui on your own. Start by learning the fundamental techniques of Feng Shui.
Whats new!

Course Bundles

Bundle Course Now Available. Get Discount Pricing on Bundles Including "Work From Home Basics" PART 1 and PART 2 and many more to come. 
Professional series

Advanced Courses

Discover the Advanced Courses and Professional Certifications coming soon. Become a Feng Shui Consultant through this school 'Mang' and make your own money Feng Shui'ing your own clients spaces. 
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Benefits for Feng Shui

Benefits of taking courses through 'Mang. The School of Feng Shui' are many:
-Learn at your own pace.
-Live a healthier life. 
-Manifest your perfect life. 
-Become a consultant.
-Create a beautiful world. 

Private Learning

Email English for one-on-one Consulting Sessions. Schedule and appointment today.

New Course Every Month

Never stop learning about the secrets of the World of Feng Shui.

Professional Bundles

Keep progressing to become a professional Feng Shui Consultant though a variety of Bundles, coming soon. 

Explore our new fascinating courses


Our New Podcast
Refresh yourself every week in the World of Feng Shui. Learn Guest Speakers and how you can improve your space and new perspective.
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Questions? Tutor Sessions? Want more direction?

One-on-One Consultations

“The format of this Feng Shui School is designed to help students learn to see space differently, which helps them learn great basic techniques, which include furniture placement, the power of energy and even creating a healthier environment for everyone under their own space or home. The easy-to-understand school is well thought out and clear to understand. The course create is available to provide additional help wherever necessary. I would highly recommend Mang. School of Feng Shui to anyone who is looking to further their skills of Feng Shui and even to just be more aware of their own homes wants and needs. I certainly have see dramatic changes in my day to day life after knowing Feng Shui with Mang.”

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